Danielle Park was back with us. Amazing news about the state of modern corporate finance. The IRS has been allowing tax-free stock buybacks in contravention of the US tax code, since 1976. This will eventually lead to massive economic damage, when the economy and the stock market turn down. We also talked about the "new" Justice Department policy of holding invididual corporate wrong doers responsible for the criminal acts of their businesses. What a novel concept that only goes back hundreds of years. 

Direct download: Danielle_Park_11.Sep.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:13pm EDT

Abe is re-elected. The triumph of hope of disasterous experience. It reminds one of Einstein's old saying about the definition of the word insanity. If massive QE and stock market intervention doesn't work, keep on keepin' on. Well re-elect the bum of course. They've tried every Keynsian trick in the book and nothing seems to work. Is there a limit to the debt? How about a tax holiday for everyone in the world and we just print the difference? 

Direct download: John_Rubino_11.Sep.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:05pm EDT

Victora Shtainer is a top flight New York City Real Estate Specialist. She see the floodgates of Chinese flight capital opening up shortly. While the Chinese currency continues to de-value, Chinese individuals are also being actively encouraged to buy abroad by their government. While many thought this volatility would cease foreign buying, the exact opposite is happening whereby the rich are accelerating their need for investment outside of China. Until now, Chinese individuals have been allowed to convert $50,000 into other currencies annually though there are ways to skirt the regulation. That is about to change, with the Chinese government readying the launch of the Qualified Domestic Individual Investor Program, an overseas-investment scheme that would allow Chinese citizens to invest overseas directly. Those with at least $160,000 in financial assets qualify. The program is likely to launch this year and will bolster overseas real-estate purchases. Its possible we have only seen the tip of the iceberg of Chinese buyers in New York City.


Direct download: Victoria_Shatiner_11.Sep.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:17pm EDT

Dale Bellis is truly a healthcare visionary. While others saw disaster after the passage of Obamacare, Dale saw opportunity. He reorganized his group's health cost sharing organization and Liberty HealthShare was born. Now there are over 25,000 people enrolled and it's growing rapidly. I am personally saving $950 per month in premiums alone, and that's before copayments and coinsurance. Dale is on a mission to change the way everyone thinks about their health and about how it gets paid for. Join him now. 

Direct download: Dale_Bellis_10.Sep.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:26am EDT






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