According to Bo Polny gold has broken out. The big resistance is $1300 where the big money is trying to hold it back. Silver outperformed gold in January and it will probably outperform it into the near future. To Bo the trade is on silver rather than gold. The ratio between the two is so out of whack that it virtually has to narrow. As has been said in the past, "Silver is the money of the people, gold is the money of kings." 

Direct download: Bo_Polny_03.Feb.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30pm EDT

Craig Bergman, creator of Unfair: Exposing The IRS, is out advocating the abolition of the IRS. He believes that the time has come. The system is antiquated, unfair and unAmerican. Now with Obamacare, your compliance costs have shot through the roof. Americans are wasting over $1 trillion per year, enough to nearly balance the budget. The time is now to contact your senators and congressmen and get the job done. 

Direct download: Craig_Bergman_3.Feb.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:25am EDT

Sandy Botkin, CPA and Attorney and leading IRS authority says that paying taxes and fear of the IRS due to perceived improper documentation are probably two of the most important concerns among real estate professionals in the country. The real secret that most self-employed taxpayers don’t realize is that tax planning is a year-round activity especially if you want to keep much more of what you make.

Direct download: Sandy_Botkin_03.Feb.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:20am EDT

Volatility continues to be the buzz word. Stock markets were down for the month. Energy continues to get slammed, big time. The dollar is still going up, which means the Euro is going down. Precious metals seem to have begun their long awaited rise, but it's still too early to know for sure. And bitcoin continues to take it on the chin, with double digit monthly declines. 

Direct download: Mickey_Fulp_2.Feb.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:59am EDT






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