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Margie Baldock wrote The Mother Lode Manifesto as a revolutionary call to action for women everywhere to create personal, financial independence through social entrepreneurship, whilst transforming the world at the same time. Margie’s groundbreaking, step-by-step master plan is designed to assist women buy back our time, while transforming the current destructive path our world is heading down. She's appalled by the state of the world, the collapse of the monetary system and the fact that 6 corporations control virtually all the world's resources. Now she wants to do something about it. 

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

Direct download: Margie_Baldock_10-28-2013_ed_RA_PW.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:12pm EDT

www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com presents

Housing sales are falling off the cliff. New rules are coming down from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau that are going to make it even worse, if you can believe it? If housing goes down than how far can the rest of the economy be? Andy Hoffman thinks not too far. Other trends which we've been covering for years are certainly not too favorable, but don't worry, you can always count upon the Fed to print more money. And that has always worked in the past so it's sure to work now, won't it? 

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

Direct download: Andy_Hoffman_10-28-2013_RA_T.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:50pm EDT

www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com presents

Jeff Kass joined us again for another discussion of the increasing incidence of mass shootings in the United States. Jeff believes that private gun ownership and possession isn't a deterrent to such events. According to a Mother Jones study, this would appear to be true. And yet, there have been a number of instances where mass shootings have either been interupted or stopped by gun wielding citizens. One thing is certain, we must all become more aware of people who are on the edge and could become capable of such acts. An ounce of prevention could be what's necessary to prevent such disasters from happening.  

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

Direct download: Jeff_Kass_10-28-2013_RA_PBL.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:56pm EDT

www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com presents

Greg Hunter has been in the media since the 1970's and he's shocked by what's going on today. The incompetence of the government has led to an undermining of the confidence in Washington by our closest Arab ally in the Middle East-Saudi Arabia. Now they appear to be ready to give up the petro-dollar. This could be the black swan that leads to the new world financial order. If it's not that then it will be something else.  

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

Direct download: Greg_Hunter_10-28-2013_RA_T.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:22pm EDT






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