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Kerry Lutz's--Financial Survival Network

May 11, 2021

The Great Dogecoin Scam, but Ethereum is the real deal. It’s the sign of a bubble when random assets blast off, which otherwise have no value. It’s just like Gamestop and NFT’s. It’s not much different from Bitcoin. 

Inflation in Iron Ore and Copper

Vanity Fair vax article masks forever

"To The Moon", Literally: SpaceX Says It'll Accept Dogecoin As Payment For Lunar Mission

Major Pipeline Hack

GOP Governors cutting off supplemental unemployment insurance

Brooklyn Borough President and mayoral candidate Eric Adams, a former NYPD captain, imagine a dem running on a law and order platform, what’s the world coming to? 

Vaxx is going well, Covid rates are dropping almost everywhere but India…

Chipolte embraces the fight for $15.