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Kerry Lutz's--Financial Survival Network

Mar 9, 2021

Chris Vermeulen joined us to share his views of where the markets are at and why being on the sidelines in cash is not such a bad thing. For the Stock Market - Sector rotation into the Dow and Transport Index doing well. It’s flock not a shift. Stuck under the 50 day moving average. Small caps and Dow are holding up well vis-a-vis the Nasdaq. Where can you go and find value? There’s so much money searching for the next move. It could be getting a little overheated. Energy is the way to go. It’s leading the way and where the money’s flowing. 

No Bonds for You - Bonds Away. Fear is creeping in. Investors not trusting US Bond Market. People are indifferent to bonds. Investors aren’t buying any defensive positions. We’re getting closer to a deeper correction. Not a whole lot of changes in interest rates. The market is getting long of tooth. 

Along with the $1400 Robinhood Subsidy Check record flows going into the market and coming out. Just a matter of time till it runs out of steam. Another market push coming. Next leg down is coming. Where’s the money going? 1-2 weeks. Avoid the chop. Big moves equal big haircuts.

Gold and Silver could see the bottom fall out. A running consolidation. Silver still has a bearish consolidation. Stay on the sidelines and get in when the dust settles. Majority of investors have been very tech heavy. If you’re in it you’ve probably seen the worst. A little more to come. Long term bull flag patterns. Dollar is playing a big part in it. Fear among big investors. Global money is moving to the dollar. Charts are saying move to cash. Music is coming to an end. Sidelines are a great place to be when corrections rear their ugly head.